Nutrient deficiencies can contribute to fatigue, poor sleep, poor thyroid function, changes in skin and hair integrity, nonoptimal bone health, poor vision, neurological function, inflammation, pain, and an inability to clear toxins appropriately. The typical American diet may be high in calories but low in nutrients. An analysis can help us determine what vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids are imbalanced.
Food Sensitivity Panels
A food sensitivity panel can identify foods that may be causing inflammation in the gut and elsewhere. Inflammation can lead to allergies, asthma, chronic pain, headaches, chronic skin issues, and decreased attention and focus.
Leaky Gut Panel
Food sensitivities can lead to leaky gut and other issues with nutrient absorption.
Autoimmune Panels
Cross-reactivity between food and our own tissues has been researched. There are tests that show which foods, and other chemicals, can cross-react with foods and create further inflammation.
SIBO Tests
Symptoms of SIBO include belching, nausea, foul odor gas, sensitivity to foods, constipation, diarrhea, brain fog, and poor sleep may have SIBO. A variety of tests for SIBO are available, including breath and blood tests. A breath test can help determine whether the cause is due to an imbalance in specific gut bacteria.
Stool Analysis
A stool analysis can provide information on how well food is being digested and how well nutrients are being absorbed. A good, comprehensive stool test can show whether pathological microbes are present. Things that can impact the microbial balance include the use of antibiotics, eating foods with pesticides or glyphosates, lack of fiber in the diet, and a diet with an excessive amount of sugar.
Parasites can cause diarrhea, digestive complaints, rashes, problems with sleep, mood and attention. Various types of blood tests and stool tests are available to identify the presence of parasites.
Yeast overgrowth can cause an array of symptoms such as bad breath, food aversions, food cravings, mood changes, fatigue, skin problems, headaches, vaginal discharge, and cystitis. Yeast can also contribute to the growth of biofilm, making the treatment of other bacterial infections difficult.
Microbiome Testing
A microbiome test can show the balance of gut bacteria present. Gut bacteria can influence brain chemical production, impact immune function, and affect digestion.
Heavy metals are ubiquitous in the air, water, and even some of the foods we eat. Heavy metals can impact thyroid function, the absorption of minerals, immune function, and brain function. Metals like lead, mercury, and aluminum are problematic to human function even in small doses.
Urine Mold Testing
Mold can cause symptoms that mirror allergies-runny nose, sneezing, sinusitis, and headaches. It can also cause many neurological symptoms such as migraines, ADHD, depression, anxiety, memory loss, and visual loss. Other seemingly unrelated symptoms such as rashes, hives, and liver disease can occur. Urine tests are available to show it the toxins these molds can produce are present in the body.
Parabens are common in self-care products, makeup, and even foods. Parabens can mimic estrogen and may attribute to high estrogen-related symptoms, such as cramps, premenstrual syndrome, headaches, early puberty, irregular periods, and fertility issues.
There is a urine test available that can measure glyphosate levels. It is an herbicide used to control weeds and is sprayed on many crops.
Chemicals are a part of our lives and daily exposure occurs from food containers, hair and body care products, clothing, furniture, building materials, air pollution, and the water we drink. Measuring chemicals can show a total body burden and help focus treatment on detoxification.
Glutathione is an antioxidant made by our cells. Levels of glutathione can be depleted by excess toxicity, inadequate nutrition, and genetic predisposition. Levels can be tested.
Neurotransmitters affect sleep, appetite, mood, and wellbeing. Neurotransmitter testing can show imbalances in these brain chemicals, as well as nutrient deficiencies impacting their production.
Organic Acid Testing
This test measures breakdown products, or metabolites, or urine. This test can aid in the diagnosis of metabolic issues, genetic disorders, presence of problematic yeast or bacteria. This test can also show patterns of vitamin deficiencies, neurotransmitter balance, and mitochondrial dysfunction, all of which can impact energy levels, muscle function, mood, attention, sleep, and behavior.
Nutrient Analysis
Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fatty acids are all necessary for optimal brain function. Replacing deficiencies can often improve function.
Genetic Testing
Genetic SNPs, also known as genetic variation, can be identified through testing. The presence of certain SNPs can highlight a predisposition to nutrient deficiencies, nutrient imbalances, or metabolic issues that can affect the production of certain brain chemicals.
Alzheimer’s and Neurological Profile
A nutritional analysis, heavy metal testing, and an autoimmune test are included in this profile. It is important to identify pathogens, chemicals, nutritional deficiencies, and even foods that may trigger neurodegeneration.
Kryptopyrrole Testing
Pyroluria is a condition in which kryptopyrrole depletes the body of B6 and zinc, causing symptoms of anxiety, depression, irritability, and mood swings. It is also seen in conditions such as autism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and down syndrome.
The adrenal glands control many processes including blood sugar balance, blood pressure, immune function, appetite, sleep, and appropriate response to stress. Measuring cortisol and other stress-related markers can inform treatment plans for diabetes, hypertension, insomnia, weight problems, and anxiety.
Thyroid Profile
The thyroid is considered the master gland, as the thyroid hormone has influence overall systems of the human body. When attempts at thyroid management remain ineffective, both heavy metal and halogen testing can remove obstacles to balance.
Male and Female Panels
Both men and women can experience hormone imbalances which can lead to weight gain, hair loss, mood changes, poor sleep, and decreased sexual function.
For women seeking help with menstrual irregularity, heavy bleeding, PMS, and fertility issues, there are a wide variety of testing techniques that can help guide effective treatments.
For hormone replacement
Men and women can benefit from hormone replacement, however, accurate testing is necessary for accurate dosing. Urine, saliva, and bloodspot testing are available for monitoring hormone replacement.
Nutrigenomic Testing
Coming soon. Utilizing your genomic data, a personalized blueprint for nutrition can be provided. This detailed plan outlines foods to include and avoid in your diet.